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10 Questions and Answers Writing Prompt

Mark Holburn
4 min readNov 22, 2022
Credit: Photo by Ann H

The number of fun writing prompts coming out recently are unbelievable. And the blame is entirely on that pesky Pierce McIntyre who keeps tagging me along with others.

I feel like I am participating in that old Space Invaders game where writing prompts keep contstantly coming down at you. Just as you try batting one away, another three come down on top of you.

Below is Pierce McIntyre’s fantastic article and Paul Combs’ great response to this fun writing prompt.

I thought I would tackle these like I do my IT issues. Do the easy ones first to make more time for the more challenging ones.

Although this prompt did not originally come from Pierce McIntyre, I am still blaming him. Too much yodelling I think.



Mark Holburn

Lover of music, sport, animals, humour, movies and decency. A Level in Film Studies.