Mark Holburn
2 min readOct 24, 2020

A Plea to Fleetwood Mac and Lindsey Buckingham

If this year has taught us anything then it is to come closer to your families and friends and respect life for what it is. It is not a rehearsal and we need to enjoy our time on this earth with love and respect as much as we can.

Therefore, as a big fan, I am sending out a plea to Fleetwood Mac and Lindsey Buckingham to get back together, sort out your differences and play your wonderful music that we have all come to love. It is not too late, but time is getting on for all of us. If not, I fear that you will regret this one day when it really too late for each one of you.

As music icons who, probably more than any other band, have been through so much in the turmoil of relationships, you still stuck together to produce such wonderful music.

It is well written about how the making of Rumours was such a traumatic piece of rock history for all members of the band with the break-up of marriages and relationships. However out of all that mayhem came one of the most iconic albums of all time. You stuck together through love and hate because you knew musically you belong with each other.

Since then there have been many ups and downs for the band but you all still kept coming back as a family to make your albums and play such great music to your fans.

Families don’t always get on. There are always, differences, arguments, eruptions and regrets. He said this, she said that! It is not always easy to forgive each other whatever the cause. However, families are the one common thing we have in this world. It’s often hard work to stick together but when all is said and done, it is all we have got. So, it’s worth it!

Fleetwood Mac have been a music family for decades and it is so sad to see a family that have gone through so much together to split up in the twilight of their years robbing not only the fans but themselves of a final united glorious musical act. As fans we don’t care who may have sparked the split or how you can fix this to get back together. Musically together you can create the magic again.

Music is such an important tonic to the world especially in these troubled times. It unites people together in so many ways. It is the one great healer to the pain, hardship and mental fragility of mankind.

So please Fleetwood Mac and Lindsey Buckingham, leave all your arguments and differences at the door and reunite as a musical family and never break the chain

Mark Holburn
Mark Holburn

Written by Mark Holburn

Lover of music, sport, animals, humour, movies and decency. A Level in Film Studies.

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